k DS

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Poslano VS April 06, 2001 at 09:52:08:

Otvet na: Gljuchit komp - posylaju snova poslano DS April 05, 2001 at 17:30:25:

Chto oznachaet sledujushchee:

"Rossija ne zapreshchaet imet drugoe grazhdanstvo, no ne priznaet ego. Eto znachit chto Rossija rassmatrivaet
Vas iskluchitel'no kak svoego grazhdanina i ne budet priznavat' popytki vmeshatel'stva drugogo gosudarstva v Vashu sud'bu. Skazhem esli rossijskie vlasti zahotyat Vas arestovat',
to rasschityvat' na pomoshch' shvedskih vlastej ne pridetsya". Vot i vse. I nikakie
NTV, KGB, NKVD i prochie VLKSM tut
ne prichem.

: If you are a citizen of Russia and receive US citizenship,
: it does not mean that you automatically lose your Russian
: citizenship, because, according to the Law, no person can
: be deprived of his/her citizenship, but on his/her stated
: (i.e. put officially in order) will. Russian Law does not
: forbid you to have several citizenships, however,
: *considers you only a Russian citizen* and, therefore,
: requires you to travel in and out of Russia on your Russian
: passports. Being a State institution, Consulate General
: enforces the Law of the State, so, every person, whose
: foreign passports or travel documents in




